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UR Stars Program

UR Stars because…

You make us ever better

We see how you shine

Every star is unique and valued

We’re the makers of a bright future together

UR Stars overview video

Our platform for faculty and staff

UR Stars is a fun, easy way to:​

  • Show gratitude to everyone who exemplifies our Meliora and ICARE values​
  • 承认并感谢那些促进归属感、公平和多样性的教职员工
  • Celebrate the big and small moments when you and your team shine
  • Advance the spirit of our Boundless Possibility strategic plan

UR Stars overview video

Our platform for faculty and staff

UR Stars is a fun, easy way to:​

  • Show gratitude to everyone who exemplifies our Meliora and ICARE values​
  • 承认并感谢那些促进归属感、公平和多样性的教职员工
  • Celebrate the big and small moments when you and your team shine
  • Advance the spirit of our Boundless Possibility strategic plan

UR Stars events

UR Stars training videos

Get started: Watch a brief walkthrough of the UR Stars platform, which includes how to login, using the social wall, following your colleagues, and much more.

Nominating UR Stars: Follow a step-by-step guide on how to nominate a UR Star.

Sending eCards: 学习如何发送电子贺卡给教师或工作人员,以表彰他们的里程碑, including new hires, career advancements, professional development, and much more.

Using the Mobile App: Learn how to download the UR Stars mobile app, set up your login credentials, and navigate the platform from your phone or mobile device.

Recognition in action: You make us ever better


UR Stars best practices

认可和欣赏员工的影响不仅能提高工作满意度,还能推动整体成功. When it comes to recognition, 您可以遵循几个最佳实践来确保其有效性.

  • Be genuine: Recognition should always come from a place of genuine appreciation. Sincerity is key.
  • Be specific and timely: 当认识某人时,要具体说明他们做了什么以及为什么重要. Provide feedback and recognition in a timely manner, 因此,个人可以充分欣赏并将这种认可与他们的行为联系起来.
  • Make recognition meaningful and personal: Tailor recognition to each ​individual’s preferences and motivations. 了解是什么让每个人感到被欣赏和重视,并相应地定制认可.
  • Connect recognition to our values: 重要的不仅是要对生活在我们的美利奥拉和ICARE价值观中的个人表示赞赏, 但也可以加强其他同事与我们价值观一致的行为.
  • Make recognition a habit: Don’t just wait for a big achievement to recognize someone. Celebrate small wins and improvement, too.

Learn about more best practices, search “urstars” in MyPath.

Frequently asked questions

Why are we launching a new recognition program?

Until now, there hasn’t been a University-wide recognition system. UR Stars will give us a new, institution-wide, 一流的表彰平台旨在加强我们的欣赏文化,并在整个大学共同庆祝成就,加强我们作为“一个大学”的共同价值观.” UR Stars is an easy way for all faculty and staff to show appreciation for the work of others including actions that uphold our Meliora and ICARE ideals; inspire excellence; foster an inclusive culture; and advance the spirit of our Boundless Possibility strategic plan.

Who can I recognize using UR Stars?


How do I access and start using the UR Stars platform?

There are several ways to access the platform:


如果您在登录平台时遇到困难,请联系 or call 275-2000.


Yes. There are several quick and easy-to-use resources to assist you:

  • Short how-to videos
  • Hands-on learning opportunities (include while relevant (June 4–7)
  • Office hours (include while relevant June 10–21)

Additionally, 每个部门都指定了一名UR之星表彰冠军,他可以帮助您进行表彰, 包括浏览优步之星平台,寻找机会表彰每一个帮助我们充分发挥潜力的人. 如果您不知道您的冠军是谁,请联系您的经理或发送电子邮件


A UR Star is formal recognition of efforts and achievements that uphold our Meliora and ICARE ideals; inspire excellence; foster an inclusive culture; and advance the spirit of our Boundless Possibilities strategic plan. 对于UR Star,有一个简短的审批流程,要求经理进行审查. Everyday Celebration eCards are intended to be informal, fun, 即时识别里程碑,包括(但不限于)新员工活动, birthdays, career advancements, and professional development. 对于日常的庆祝电子贺卡,没有提名/审批程序.

Who can use the new UR stars platform?

罗彻斯特大学雇用的任何罗彻斯特大学的工作人员或教职员工都可以使用该平台识别任何其他工作人员或教职员工(个人或团体)。. UR Stars does not include staff at our affiliate organizations.

How can I find out who my UR Stars Champion is?


What is happening to the ICARE Stars program?

UR Stars is replacing the ICARE Stars program. 由于ICARE Stars项目的成功,明尼苏达大学医学院拥有充满活力的认可文化, UR Stars将继续以新的和增强的功能进一步丰富我们的节目.

How is UR Stars different from the ICARE Stars program?

UR Stars识别平台在几个方面改进了ICARE程序, including the use of a modern, 易于使用的系统具有增强的功能和移动应用程序,用于即时“随时/随地”识别 entire University. Most importantly, 它的模式是表彰和庆祝教师和工作人员谁展示了我们的美利奥拉和ICARE价值观.

我是否能认出我们附属公司的员工(如Highland, Jones, F.F. Thompson, etc.) within the UR Stars Platform?

No, 该平台仅适用于澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的员工,目前不扩展到我们的附属机构.

Can patients and families access the system?

Not at this time. 患者和家属将继续能够通过书面或口头沟通,感谢并正式认可护理人员和其他以有意义的方式积极影响他们生活的人, which will be entered into the UR Stars system.

Not sure who the UR Champion for your department is?

Contact your supervisor, HRBP, or email